Believe in Simply CT

The CT logo is inspired by tangram, literally: “seven boards of skill” consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form different shapes. Like the tangram, there are thousands of possibilities which can be achieved using all 7 guiding principles at Convergent Technologies.
Blue is the color of Divinity, Blue is the color of distance – oceans, skies, the heavens. The energy of Blue helps us to look beyond the immediate environment, expanding our perceptions towards the unknown – new technologies, infinite possibilities, flexibility in thinking and openness.
7 Key Guiding Principles at CT
Leveraging the full breadth of Convergent Technologies’ digital capabilities, the Team operates at the overlap of these functions to derive the best of Creativity and Technology – with the customer’s digital strategy at the centre of everything we do.
The 7 key working principles at Convergent Technologies that positively impact our relationships with customers, partners and colleagues are:
We believe in simple conversations, ease in understanding to enhance easy flow of communication with self or others. We believe in simple relationships with customers, partners, suppliers and employees.
Clarity of thought, Orderliness and better decision making skills are key to our success and ability to have honest dialogues
Energy, Enthusiasm, Interest and Passion, Security are important success mantras of our development team.
We encourage our team to think beyond the known boundaries, and come up with simple solutions which are outside the box.
Work-life Balance
We encourage Harmony, Sympathy, Good Health, Abundance in opportunities, Balance in work-home life, Growth and Expansion
Creative Energy
We bring about Creativity, Playfulness, Exploration on a practical level, relief from boring work and equilibrium by constantly doing something new and fresh!
Imagination and Inspiration
We promote Imagination and Inspiration within the team and encourage them to collaborate with customers and partners in bringing the best practices and mutual experiences on to the table to find the most suitable solutions.