IT/ITES Skill Development in Bangladesh

The Challenge

Fitness365 in India’s first Fitness and Sports Assessment, Intervention and Monitoring program for school children. It aims at building the fitness level of children through a round the year During School Physical Education Program and After School Sports Program.

Fitness365 wanted to implement a Portal for School Leaders, PE/Sports Teachers, Children and Parents to get information about a range of topics. Month-wise PE Activities being conducted, Sports Skills and Techniques, Inter-house Activities, Sports Day, Fitness and Sports Skills Assessment Results and Pan-India Benchmarks, along with specific physical activities and nutritional recommendations to improve fitness levels of children.

The Solution

Convergent Technologies implemented the Fitness365 Portal with information about the various Fitness365 Programs running in schools.

The Fitness365 “My Diary” – is an individualised Portal for School Leaders, PE/Sports Teachers, Children and Parents to get information about a range of topics. Month-wise PE Activities being conducted, Sports Skills and Techniques, Inter-house Activities, Sports Day, Fitness and Sports Skills Assessment Results and Pan-India Benchmarks, along with specific physical activities and nutritional recommendations to improve fitness levels of children. The algorithm for Pan-India Benchmarks has been copyrighted.

You can visit the portal at

BD Skills Functionalities

Government initiative to develop IT/ITES skills

The ICT Division, Govt. of Bangladesh through Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) envisions to prepare 30000 IT/ITES professionals. This initiative under the leveraging ICT for growth, employment and governance (LICT) project is a significant part of the Digital Bangladesh vision of the Honourable Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina.

ITES Foundation Skills Training

The Program is targetted at Non-IT/HSC graduates to prepare them for the ITES sector or ITES roles in other sectors through 160 hours part-time training program.

Top-up IT Training

The Program is targetted at IT/Engineering/Science graduates to prepare them for the IT sector or IT roles in other sectors through 300 hours part-time training program.