Sports and Fitness Portal for Schools and Students and Pan-India Fitness Benchmark

The Challenge

KickOff Solutions works with NGOs, corporates and schools, and attempts to connect teams and children who want to play and organizations who facilitate sports with corporates / bodies who are socially aware and keen to support sport for social devlopment. Whether around arranging sports infrastructure, coaching personnel, or sponsorships / grants, solutions we offer are geared to helping develop communities that sustainably encourage sport, with our solutions customized to both short & long term growth of the parties involved.

KickOffSolutions wanted to partner with Sequoia Fitness and Sports Technology to build a platform through with KickOffSolutions can connect with Partners and Players

The Solution


Sequoia Fitness and Sports Technology, the sister concern of Convergent Technologies, built the Public Facing Portal of Kick Off Solutions, along with interfaces to capture registration data of Teams and Players for different Annual and Regular Soccer only events conducted by The Kick Off Solutions.

You can visit the portal at www.

KickOff Solutions Functionalities

Fitness365 Site

Fitness365 Programs, FAQs, Insights, News and Events

'My Diary'

My Diary for School Leaders, PE Teachers, Parents and Children, with individual Logins to see Report Cards, PE Curriculum, Sports Skills and Techniques, Tools, Inter-house Activities, Sports Day, Pan-India Benchmarks

Fitness Blog

Sports, Fitness and PE Blog for Parents and Children

National Fitness Program

National Fitness Program (in association with FICCI and AICPE) for Schools and Students